Ok, here's how I do it....

My kids, my friends, people at the thrift store, they're always asking me how to find all the good bargains! So, here's my secrets:

Some of them seem like common-sense, but sometimes we just need reminded.

1) First of all, dress comfortably!
         - Shoes for walking and standing.
         - I like jeans or pants, in case I need to get down on the floor to check stuff out or dig in tubs on            the bottom shelf.
         - Since I have longer hair, I wear it in a ponytail or top-knot. It keeps it out of my way and off of my face.
         - And my purse is a backpack. It stays out of my way and I just hate it when my purse falls off my shoulder. A backpack keeps that from happening.

2) When I go to the mall, I go to my favorite stores and scan the front room, but never shop in the front! I always go to the sale racks in the back! If I find something back there that I love enough to buy, but they don't have my size, I have them check to see if another store has it, or if they can order it online for me and save me the shipping.

3) I also do what I call "Market Research". This helps me to keep relevant. I read brand labels and look for store trends and see which brands that they put up in the front at the nice department stores. This helps me find the good items at the thrift store and be aware of the most current designers.

4) When I go thrifting, I always look for brands that I like and when I'm looking down the clothing racks, I look for quality fabrics like wool and cashmere.

5) If I see something that I might be even be a little interested in, I pick it up and hang onto it. At the end of the day, or shopping trip, then I purge or pair-down my cart to only keep the things I'm sure that I want to purchase.

6) I always check for discounts or coupons! Saving a dollar or two on anything is like earning a coffee with friends later!

7) I go to do "market research" about once a week or every 10 days. I also go to my favorite thrift stores often too! At least once a week I head over to the thrift stores or the Goodwill Outlet. Since things change so much there, it's always like "fresh" merchandise when you go.

Here's a few things from my last haul at the thrift store!:

And check out those black and gold shoes on the bottom!!! Super excited to find those JIMMY CHOO shoes!! I've NEVER found a pair of Jimmy Choo's! This pair was at the Outlet, so you know how that goes.... I found one, but not the other!! I went through the shoe bins twice!! Even had a thrifting friend of mine going through the bins with me (as we looked for a pair of her single shoes too) and couldn't find the match. Then, she suggested that I go ask around to some of the other shoe buyers and see if they have it. So I did, and one of the ladies that buys carts and carts full of shoes for a ministries program that sends them to Africa for the people there, and she had it!! Occasionally, I find pairs of shoes that they like to collect (sturdy sandals or nice men's shoes) and I share them or try to help them out. Apparently it paid off, because she just GAVE me the other match!! I didn't even have to flip her for it!! I almost HUGGED her! So excited! Put those sweet little babies in my eBay store right away!!

 Here's a closer look at them:

Let's see what we find next!

Don't forget to find more of my crazy good finds at my eBay store:

To see some of my re-purposed creations, follow me on Instagram!
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