Heads or Tails?

I don't usually go to the Goodwill Outlet on Saturdays. It's crowded and busy and just a little crazier than normal for me. But, this weekend, I had some time to go, so I did. And good thing too! There were SOOO many very nice things today!

Some days, it seems like I find more of one item than another. Some days are a snow pants day, some are a hat day, some are big-time clothes days, but this time, it was definitely a SHOE day!! There are several ladies that are there every weekday that focus on shoes! They buy LOTS of them and they work for a international non-profit based in Africa that gets shoes to the people there. I like the ladies and I think that they're doing good work! BUT, when they're there, it's harder to get a ton of good shoes. Today, I found 2 pairs of Patagonia shoes, some Elie Tahari wedges, some gorgeous gold Tory Burch heels, some Ivanka Trump tall boots, some Brighton sandals, and a bunch of single shoes that I never found the mates too. That happens A LOT!

But in all the times that I have found good shoes, finding FRYE boots is one of the most exciting finds! I've found several pairs of FRYE boots. Oh man, they're scrumptious! I have 2 pairs of Frye's at Common Threads Consignment right now*. But, today was the first time I actually found a Frye boot in MY size! (Notice that it was a singular noun. ONE boot).  I looked in every blue bin of shoes twice! Went through every single shoe in there!

Then, an nice lady came over to me and asked if I had any single shoes. She had a basket of singles too and thought we could help each other out and see if we could find some matches.

Low and behold!! She had MY other FRYE boot!! Tall, toffee brown, soft leather, and MY size!! She said "Do you want to flip for it?" Oh my gosh! YESSS!! 

So, she got out a quarter and let me call it before she flipped it. It was showing heads before she flipped it, and I called tails. She tossed it and let it drop. It spun around and rolled under her cart where we could see that it landed on ......... heads!!! UGHHHH!! I lost my Frye boots!! And they weren't even her size!! I should have tried to trade her for them!! Oh well! Win some, lose some!

The good news is that I did find some other great items too though! A Madewell dress, a Lululemon shirt, a Fossil purse, an Orvis fly rod, and some other fun things too! Some of them, I'll keep, some I'll put in my eBay store. Go check them out!!

Looks like these guys found some goodies today too! (OMG!!) Should have seen this load going down the interstate!! Wow!!

Don't forget to find more of my crazy good finds at my eBay store:

To see some of my re-purposed creations, follow me on Instagram!
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*And visit Common Threads Consignment Store:

Let's see what we find next!
